I leave with a big applause ... you were great with the first junction of Aida ... the answer was to host Lucas =)
Although the hour is late, very late indeed, from which they are a night owl, I decided to update =) But before
tips for buying:
This legacy might not know it all but is wonderful ... she is
Ok, back to my history ... under the cut!
"You're an idiot!"
"Ouch, you hurt me ..."
"You deserve an idiot! May I ask why do not you tell me? "
" I did not grieve with my problems "
" ... Well - he had started stealing a sip of coca-cola from his glass-I am indebted to you, right? "
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she sat in her arms to him.
"you could stay here ..."
He began to shake his head in the sense of denial.
"No, no ... I would be a burden"
"a goat ... You're already here for most of the time, it is only sleep a few nights until you can not find an apartment ... obviously I'll put you to sleep on the sofa bed, not think that I let you sleep with me? ".
was so complicit in their deeds ... and perhaps even intimate, were the natural and could not live it differently.
"Too bad ... but at least we can do to save water shower together!"
In a fit of coughing, Aida, had regurgitated whole coca-cola.
"You're an idiot !!!", he said, getting up again and glared at him. He was not sure ... but I suspect that the cheeks were slightly purple.
"Come on ... you embarrass mica ... listen to me, while we're at if I went to get my stuff right now is in the car? "
" Where you have a car? "
" the pub ... I go back on foot and brought here by car, "He nodded
with his head ...
"I go to bed ... your house keys you've got it already," he said alluding to the copy that he had done when he bought the apartment.
"You're an angel ...", he had kissed her nose and then ran off.
When he returned she was asleep blessed .. had received as soon as the door opened and then was riaccoccolata embraced the pillow.
But it was a strange night ... I felt traffic on the couch every now and then went out an expletive. Then there was silence. A silence louder than usual that night ... there was the sound of regular breathing of Lucas that he could hear the house, swim in hand, was open and she slept in the loft. Almost the calm instilled
know there ... but could not sleep. It turned and turned in those cotton sheets to read ... then she heard a thud and get out from under the plaintive voice of Lucas.
She got up and slowly descended the steps he had to get to the couch where he had to sleep.
He had found on the ground that rub my back ... When he had seen had made a grimace, "If you laugh you are a woman dead!" threat instead sparked his mirth and had put, in fact, laughing.
"Hey, hey ... what did I just say?" He said getting closer to his face.
"Come on, come on ... you're too funny - he said throwing the pillow - I give asylum in bed."
had moved a few steps and heard, when he said that a faint: Thank you.
"So - had just started to reach the bed - you're here and I am here ... you do not invade my space and I do not invade your "hands had outlined the two areas making it clear that had to be strictly separated. He was 15 years since he had not slept with him and almost hated the thought of doing it again.
He was lying ... and he had done so. No longer was it like when I was 15 ... now for both, share a bed, it meant something more than friendship ... and maybe that was strange.
But he immediately relaxed ...
half an hour had passed and she did not sleep.
"Sleep?" He asked her.
"mmm ..." he did moan until they are half asleep.
"I No, "she squealed her child with a small voice.
"I will ..." mumbled the answer for him.
"And if we did the game of mime, as kids?" Was splashed down while looking at him, at first, ignored her and then open one eye and turning his head lazily toward her like crazy.
"We are not a bit 'grown up for these games?"
"Then do not be boring ..."
"It's three o'clock in the morning, Aida ..."
He crossed his arms to his chest with his lips twisted side in a grimace of disappointment.
"Oh okay ..." sighed that he just could not say no to her friend.
She beat the happy hands and was immediately taken out of bed starting the strangest ... imitations hit him and then was back to her.
half hour and she still was not sleepy ... he is!
"Have mercy ... ... come here!" He said pulling on the bed.
Aida began to laugh as he crashed ... it was a struggle to weapons apparently free, but she knew he knew how not to leave.
"Stop or I swear I'll give ether to make you feel good!"
"Cas ... I love you ..."
"Why do you want to give the ether? If you gift of flowers are you doing? "
She looked at him gently, grateful to life for giving him a friend like him ... he knew what he wanted to stay and how much he hated the game mimi ... but he had done for her.
He had embraced and kissed on the cheek before turning to give him away, without detaching from that embrace.
"I love it too, feather-silence - ouch!"
"I hate when you call me down!" Retorted her after giving him a kick.
Suddenly he was sleepy.
light invades the room, messy, of that apartment on the outskirts of New York ... Aida was still in a dream world ... at least until the alarm had not brought an end to that love with Morpheus.
"Damn alarm ..." he mutter, turning from the other side. Next to her instead of feeling movement ... Lucas was rising but had not felt anything when she fell asleep again in a few minutes.
"Sleep ... Awake!" Shake and she felt she whined again, for she was a speech made sense for Lucas ... no.
"Come on! I told you we had to sleep instead of doing the mimes! "
" Five minutes ... "
" In half an hour we must be in the office, I would like you to remember. "
more to understand.
"I'll get back in and throw you in the shower, I swear!"
"You can not do it ... you can not see me naked."
"I put on my dress ... you know I do ..." Nothing
"count to five and then shower ..." Aida
had waved his hand in the air, as if that would drive the pest.
"One .... Two ... Three ... "nothing
" Four ... "Still nothing
" FIVE! "
The silence from Aida.
Then, poverty thief, she felt grasping for life and throw on the broad shoulders and muscular Lucas ... Shit!
She started kicking ... but there had not been to and in five minutes the water had invaded fully awake.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO ???", shouted out outside the shower cubicle like an arrow.
Lucas laughed like a fool while she glared ... and revenge. Taken aback, in a move learned the Marines had pulled her into the shower ... and she had laughed when he was screaming.
"Serves you right ..."
"Bastard ..."
"Well, we have saved water ", he made him a tongue and he smiled derisively.
"Well ... now I can not get out the shower wearing it."
"Mmm ... I saw some pop corn there, maybe I enjoy the show!"
"Pervert! Scoured "
Among the laughter had seen him out to safety but had given a send key on the door.
While s'insaponava, smiled ... basically it was not so much angry with Lucas for having had a shower even before he woke. Loved him to madness and he always had fun and at every opportunity. Only jokes
background sex was a novelty ... ok, you were always pierced about sex but never about them or to mock anyway. What was the surprise ... surprise as he had done that, even so, she could be angry with him.
output was well covered dall'asciugamano running room to get dressed. When it fell the smell of the aroma of coffee had invaded the entire house.
"Bravo ... made to forgive the shower unexpectedly"
"You drink it in the car ... it's very late," he said putting his hand in a cup of coffee with four teaspoons of sugar as she liked. He could not understand how you could drink coffee with everything sugar ... I was disgusted with him.
had followed him to the car, a beautiful shiny black SUV.
was happy to avoid the subway for a week and its smell of sweat mixed with alcohol breaths we knew.
car was the smell of ... Lucas was impregnated with perfume. From the radio came the notes of '80s songs that he loved. He said he gave charge and energy, and shone its light ... what the songs of today can not do.
He drove like a madman ... daring overtaking and sharp bends ... it was already used to it and had even stopped complaining.
"Hey, I do drink coffee or to drink my shirt? "he said then, when the umpteenth sharp bend, had threatened to topple him the cup.
handbrake and the car was parked.
"Incoming!" Lucas had shown a 32-tooth smile, haughty and proud of himself.
"What an idiot you are Cas ... I do not know how you still have your license!" Aida had closed the door, followed immediately by sending them at Lucas who was walking with his hands in his pockets.
"I have a dog to sleep because of you ..."
She had taken a shot with the pelvis and then she had entered.
monstrous edifice was austere and, still, Aida felt in awe in front of that marble floor and those ceilings is finished.
Two huge scale, also in marble, mastered at the end of the hall, near the elevator that they had been taken to arrive at the office of Mr. Shepard ... head of the CIA, at least in that area.
There was a great coming and going ... people walking back and forth with the bundles of documents in hand, people who drank coffee in front of the computer and some elements in handcuffs waiting to be interrogated watched over by guards.
had responded to a dozen good morning before laying his briefcase on his desk.
"Shepard is waiting for you," Antony had suddenly appeared before recalling the commitment.
Aida had nodded and then follow him to the office along with Lucas.
"Good morning," said the man with the beard completely shaved on the 40in and strictly in a suit sitting at his desk. There he is Mr. Shepard.
"Well guys ... there is an issue that I discuss with you ... .- had turned to Aida, but first, Castor agent, any news on those files?"
"Yes, I brought all the printed report is missing ... only a password that I can not decipher .. code has a strange, different from all others and in my hiding something important. "
The man had scrutinized the documents she had brought him before nodding," Perfect ... put aside the files ... tomorrow night, I learned from a tip-off, which will give a party in Aldovàr his house, I managed to get the calls you ... "he rummaged in a bag by pulling out two red cards.
"... For you-told-you to Aida Amelia Nois."
It took a second that was given to Lucas. "You will be Michael Jhonson"
"What should we do," Lucas, when it was working, took a more serious and imperious tone, and she found it funny more than anything else while, on the other, had the power of suggestion.
"You must keep an eye Aldovàr ... seems to hide documents that could be very important in her home in New York City ... so what better way to find these documents?"
"Of course ... it will be done", he replied, staring at the Aida his invitation.
"Well ... you can go."
The morning was spent to accomplish tasks quickly using the computer ... had lunch with her friend Valerie who told her it was a mess of his life since he had gone to live ... could not say anything to his partner of his work and he was sometimes uncomfortable questions they can always have an eye on his schedule at times absurd.
break that was short lived as it was back to his desk Lucas was sitting in his chair.
"They took Juanez ..." Aida was jammed ... certainly happy with the news.
"Really?! A bastard in less than outstanding "
" Yeah ... but now is asked, are we going? "
As expected it was not easy. Juanez was a man haughty, conceited, arrogant and rude. Collaborative? Not at all!
had deliberately ignored the questions of Aida
... "Where will download the next ship? So what are you waiting arms of Colombia ... "
" You think I tell you? "He said with disdain.
"You better tell me ... if you care to your Pellacchia"
"You're just a slut ... maybe if I saw you speak!"
had not had time to say the least that we had put in half by throwing Lucas a fist in the direction of his chin, knocking him off the chair with attached above.
"Son of a bitch ... if you want to go from door to his cell on your lap."
The situation had not improved in the hour following. Insults and silence ... nothing. They would not have dug a spider the hole.
"Sbattilo in jail ... maybe a night in the cooler will be the desire to open his mouth," said Lucas exasperated while Aida was leaning against the desk, rubbing his temples. God what a headache!
"For now I think we're done ... that bastard will not tell us anything."
In less than a second was out ... he just wanted to go home and relax on the veranda with a good book.
was got in the car and soon were at home.
"God nerves", he kicked an empty bottle that was on the floor in front of the house, nervous.
"Forget ... Juanez knew it would not have flat-spotted all over ... it is a tough, but we are more. "
Lucas was so, ... she always optimistic pessimist, who did not have anything in common.
"I just want to throw myself on the couch for an hour and remove from it all."
"What's stopping you? The long wait for her. "
He closed the door behind him by going straight to the couch, stumbling on the case of Lucas open on the floor.
"You can put your stuff in my closet ... at least not risk your life."
"Feel the horned ox said to the donkey ... you're the queen of clutter," he had teased and she looked at him wrong while svaccava on her beloved couch that he found in a junk shop.
He had a little 'zapping but there was nothing interesting.
Shortly after Lucas had reappeared.
"I can keep you company?" Aida
had moved on the couch, leaving a vacancy that had been immediately employed by him.
"But I want to lie down ..." he whined.
"It resolved ..." she had seen him take the chair and bring it in front of him, and then extend your legs with one hand, had invited her to lie down on his legs, which had agreed to call on the fly.
"But ... you best of my pillow ... just make me want to sleep. "
" I think a big insult ... no woman has ever told me that I put drowsiness. "
" But I'm not a 'Woman' ... I'm Aida "
" Yes, in fact I wonder why they are still your friend. "
football ... This time nothing but a nice pinch on my stomach, which in truth was not there but there was a beautiful carved turtle, was enough.
It was almost time for dinner ... and she was fine in that couch, with Lucas as a pillow, watching an episode of 'CSI Sim City'. The only flaw was that the 'cushion', he had risen.
"I'm going to get ready."
"Where are you going?" Looked at him questioningly as he continued to walk toward the bathroom, "I go out with a blonde!" He shouted disappearing behind the door.
She had a face off everything and went into the kitchen where a frozen pizza awaited, pending wore something comfortable.
He had spied out of the bathroom, everything rileccato and fragrant.
"But ... big deal!", Took him around as he placed a sleeve.
"Still ... do not bring it here!"
"I see", the Aida said the angry face of a lot about how would not have liked that thing.
"It 's already too late ... the door for a pizza"
"Enjoy ..." he mumbled looking out of the house. Well ...
night of loneliness!
had a lot of thing to do in fact file to find, identify faces from ... but I want zero. Did not intend to work that night.
He picked up the phone and dialed the number an hour after Molly was already there holding a bag of cookies to munch on.
were out on verandas ... the sky was orange and the air pleasant.
"So Lucas moved here? "
had asked her ..." Yes, temporarily, until he finds his apartment "
" I own two of you do not understand you "
" What's to understand? We are friends! "He asked biting into a chocolate biscuit.
"Exactly! Just do not understand this ... well, my eyes there you have them? Gliel'hai looked at Lucas?!? is a cool absurd, you are the most important woman in his life and not even try to bring your story to a more intimate level? "
" Number one: I do not care. Number two: Right because there is an intimate story sentimental / sexual are the most important woman in his life. "
" Yes, but not upset you to know that you will not be forever? Sooner or later you will meet someone you fall in love and then it will stay with you all this time! Being with her and forget that the bride would be a day or evening with you "
" Ok, ok ... why the debate has taken this turn?! If you fall in love with Lucas I will be happy for him, "
" ... is a liar because you are not interested to continue to fix the driveway? "
" What does it matter? "
" Oh well ... I'll pretend to be czech, but I will not give it to drink! "
Ok, now began to be irritated ... because it was so difficult to understand that they were just friends?
"Feel Like ... but go with the men?" He asked changing the subject.
"Oh ... now Jake went out of my art gallery ... it was very nice, different than usual though," he added thoughtfully.
"In what way?"
"I do not know ... it seemed awkward posing in an unusual way for him ... he invited me to drink something tomorrow night"
"And we go?"
"Why not? What's wrong? Do you mind? "
" No, no! Absolutely! "
They spoke again and now the sun was completely engulfed in the night.
was midnight and she was again alone in her house.
He felt restless ... staring at the clock every five minutes and then moved his eyes on the door. Why not return?
probably had to give vent to the hormones ... it was obvious.
It was thrown into the bed and, although he was annoyed, he could not help but think of the words the friend.
He tried to imagine his life if Lucas had been engaged. It was logical that his girlfriend would never accept that their type report ... would no longer slept with her, would not have done more holidays together, they would spend hours fooling around ... the hell it hurt!
more he thought and felt more grow in it a sense of anxious concern. How was he going to unlearn that relationship with Lucas?! No, it was unthinkable.
And if this 'blonde' bewitched him?! Usually his stories did not last more than two days, a fly was the longest running of a report by Lucas, but everything could change, it is not always so.
Then he had imagined ... naked kissing and having sex with a blonde silicon image ... totally annoying!
He raised his head towards the two hours ....
It was thrown back with a pillow covering his head ... had to sleep.
To be continued ....