James, à centru, cun su soru Cathy e frati Chris
Tanti auguri à James Canetti, figghiu di Balestrate, Sicilia via la sua matri Marianne chi è nata di la linia lunga LoMonaco. Di lu su patri Frank è discisu da Ischia, ma tutti sappemu chi sunnu them on genetic materials Sicilian runni those who force pir jucar lu 'futbol' mericanu " - pir and hips jucar in Italy!
James and statues accettatu pir pir jucar Squatrito the NFL in Bergamo Lions Acufon pir them!
James nun sulu rune us power of her musculo, but the strength of his hips cervellu lu cun parts of the "assistant coach!"
Iddu arrives in Bergamo à Mon 27 of fibbraiu. Putemu lu his will to prugressu http://www.bergamolions.it/
lu A website written so there in 'talianu chistu:
James Canetti: Italian American, James played DL / OL in college DIV1aa Charleston Southern University and the University Newberry, in both schools James has served as captain and was one of the most devastating lineman in the league. James comes to the Lions in the double role of assistant coach and player, in fact for the absurd Italian regulatory James is regarded as foreign and then help coach and play in Eurobowl and will still be available to coach for the Italian league.
Quannu you juochi Strong, James, nun fun of you scurdari Puru, pirce you are in Italy!
Force Acufon Lions! Canetti Force!
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