To those who still read my journal and remember who the hell I am...
I went through a time of great disorders. First I was busy, then my RL changed so much and so fast that I had to rearrange some things to have my life fit on me once again. Then technology rebelled (again). Then I was so unaccustomed to virtual life that I got lazy and started lurking like some teen newbie with his first internet connection. It's like... when you miss a step in dance and you can't follow the music anymore.
I tried once in a while to post something here and there, but never really get to be back and stay. I'm not even sure that I'll do it now, so you, lonely wanderer, you that are reading this, you have all the rights to be questioning why I am bothering you with this blah-blah that's not even interesting, I'm getting bored just by writing it, dammit!
...well, I don't know, I hope I'll be posting something new soon (or that I'll be posting "New soon", an dark story of impatient vampires), maybe more interesting, so that I can make up for this. Especially for what I've written between parenthesis.
I know I can do it, "Because today the new season and has as Because I learnt how to drive on a highway and finished metal Kurogane's arm for the next cosplay convention! I CAN DO ANYTHING! : D
Speaking of which ...
Italian friends who (maybe) read more here ... Cartoomics someone to spout? But even more important ... an Edward Elric know with whom I can take a picture while fighting with the five AutoMail? It would be great!
However I tend to be Sunday, with a dressing gown
[/ italian]
Taking a bow, I leave you with a link to my DA accont , 'cause I drew a lot and got to upload something there, but it would lie heavy on this post to share the new entries here... If you like what I usually do, take a look! ^^
See you soon~
I hope...
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