Sorry, Few Inglese friends who still read this page! I did it in italian, But The meme is in Inglese, so you can snatch it and do it!
Just because I haunt the show lately!
Rubatissimo to
01 - A Show That Should Have Never Been Cancelled: I have no idea whether it was canceled at the origin, but in Italy have never managed to catch more Saving Grace, which I loved, but probably I just watched ...
02 - A Show That You Were wish more people watching: My Name Is Earl, we hope that the regular transmission to a regular schedule to help him get to know! And 'one of the most positive and exhilarating that I have ever seen!
03 - Your favorite new show: New new? Well, my latest crush is White Collar, but I shot with Mucho Gusto Chuck and Big Bang Theory recently!
04 - Your favorite show ever: Supernatural and if the Fringe play, but I can not forget Lost, My Name Is Earl and Merlin, which will always have a special place in my heart!
05 - A show you hate: House MD. (Francy you share!)
06 - Favorite episode of your favorite tv show: Supernatural 5x09, a small episode in which is contained all my life, the first episode of the season on the end of the world in My Name Is Earl, the AU songfic invented by Walter Bishop in the fourth-last episode of the second season of Fringe, Merlin in the episode of the Unicorn, the episode inspired by the Wizard of Oz in Scrubs, and maybe I should stop or go on until tomorrow ...
07 - Least favorite episode of your favorite TV show: I have not endured the episode of the fifth season of Supernatural where Anna comes back ... =___=
09 - Best scene ever: The arrival of Death in the fifth season of Supernatural, a masterpiece of filmmaking! So many wonderful scenes of Lost that I can not mention because there is someone who will read between those who would like to retrieve it and I do not want spoilers ... All those beautiful moments when the show his good karma Earl in an unexpected way .. ç___ç \u0026lt;3
10 - Show You Thought You Would not Like But ended up loving: Merlin. I looked at it as a joke and I fell in love!
11 - That shows you disappointed: Unfortunately, Merlin, the second season left me a bit 'so ... CABBAGE AND THOSE OF THE LAST 5 SECONDS AT THE END OF THE FIFTH SEASON OF SUPERNATURAL!!
12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times: So many times no one, I think ... Maybe we Supernatural 5x09 approaches but ... XD How I love this episode! Come on, I also believe the story of the unicorn, to the Excalibur and the Ealdor attacked by robbers in Merlin, were so adorable!
13 - Favorite childhood show: ifdoglkfdpkhgsodjsx dsIO WATCHING BAYWATCH LKFDHGkgdslkgjvdlknxfc, but also the A-team, come on!
14 - Favorite bad character: Sawyer, Locke and Ben (Lost), Dean, Bobby and Castiel (Supernatural), and Peter Walter (Fringe) Earl and Randy (My Name Is Earl), Earl (Saving Grace), Merlin, Arthur and the slasher-Dragon (Merlin), Sylar (Heroes), Mozzie (White Collar), Casey (Chuck) and I will always love Gil Grissom (CSI ) even if it's a life that does not follow him!
15 - Favorite female character: Olivia (Fringe), Grace (Saving Grace), (no please do not shoot me) Kate (Lost), Claire (Heroes), Penny (Big Bang Theory) ... that male-dominated world, look at a few!
16 - Your guilty pleasure show: I have been, still are and always will be a big fan of HERCULES and XENA!
17 - Favorite mini series: Do not think I have ever seen ...
18 - Favorite title sequence: I really like the symbol of Big Bang Theory
19 - Best TV show cast: Lost has an exceptional cast are all perfect and wonderful!
20 - Favorite kiss: Kate and Sawyer on Lost when they were in a cage, Peter and Olivia in the last episode of Fringe, Merlin and Arthur when ... (But they never kissed !!!)( ah, no ..? Bad ...) JHFERPLGKTòLFDKGFOICKDHJFLKDSHNGKFJCX CHUCK kissing CASEY FOR THEM contracting ANTIDOTOkfdgjkfdljgkldfjmdcljgldf Shippo them either, but the one thing I was killed and UH! ABOUT kisses that they have killed me! In Supernatural, and Bobby Crowley, Crowley performed with the photographic evidence! Sublime! Wonderful! If there must be a sixth season I think there is more Crowley!
21 - Favorite Ship: Merlin / Arthur (Merlin), Peter / Olivia (Fringe) and, alas, 'Sawyer / Kate (Lost). I sincerely Shippo Dean Winchester with new entries all the female cast of the season: Joe, Bella and Anna. There 's been bad with all. Maybe I should give in to the lure of the Dean / Castiel?
23 - Most annoying character: of all time? of all time? No, because I can not stand Sydney of Alias, but not even I like Alias, what the hell's the point? Vabbeh ... and then I find unbearable Brice Larkin's "Chuck" can die as many times as they like, I is about the same bales!
24 - Best quote: Too many! We try!
- (I'm telling you this in English because I remember it well) "BOO-HOO, I'm so sorry your feelings are hurt, PRINCESS!" (Bobby Dean on "Supernatural")
- "I AM THE PROPHET CHUCK!" (Chuck, used as a Pokémon from Dean on "Supernatural")
- "We're not crazy! We are scared to death!" "So why do it?" "Why is that that would make Sam and Dean!" (The wonderful Dean fat episode 5x09 of "Supernatural," the act of expressing everything that I have always believed. Thank you, Dean fat! I love you!)
- (Orpo, this one I remember better in English) "I warn you, I've been trained since birth to kill!" "Wow, How Long Have You Been trained to be a prat?" "You can not address me like that!" "Uh, sorry! How Long Have You Been trained to be a prat ... MY LORD?" (Arthur and Merlin the wonderful first episode of "Merlin")
- "For you there is nothing sacred?" "Only the right to bear arms." (Chuck and Casey from "Chuck")
-the whole scene in which four of the Big Bang Theory Penny to try to help assemble the Ikea furniture ... So terribly true ... xD
-* talking about weddings * "You think I would call Dad?" "Who?" "The agent Dunham!" "... No. I do not think you would call Dad, Walter ... "(Walter and Peter Bishop in 'Fringe', where Walter proves to shipp the pairing right!)
-" UrhG ...* feels bad after the sight of a corpse scalp de- * "" What happened? "Sylar ... was here ... "" Sylar?! HERE? "(Mohinder and Sylar, one of their comic charm squares in" Heroes ")
-" Come and stay with me too! Do not worry! Mi casa es tu casa! "" ... You is not even home tu casa ... "(Neal and Peter in" White Collar ")
-" Bella, Earl! "" Hey, king prawns "(Prawn and Earl in all episodes of My Name Is Earl)
25 - A show you plan on watching (old or new): Leverage this point to shoot and I languish here in Doctor Who for a while ', I should give it some' time!
26 - OMG WTF? Season Finale: ALL. NOW IT 'S A FASHION.
27 - Best pilot episode: Unforgettable to Lost and Supernatural and adorable to My Name is Earl!
28 - First TV show obsession: ... Hercules, I'm afraid ... XD
29 - Current tv show obsession: E 'IN ALL fucking BREAK! Fringe is the one that haunts me more, but after the shock of the last episode broadcast of White Collar, that too ...
30 - Saddest death character Charlie on Lost ... TERRIBLE, if I close my eyes I see ... Then Charlie Fringe spent so quietly .. (Being sure that Charlie really brings bad luck, eh! JJ Abrams has it up with Charlie apparently ...) e. .. e. .. ODDI the last moments of the last episode SENT TO WHITE COLLAR!! * SHOCK * ç_________________________ç
... and now I'm going to get me my five hours of sleep RELAXING ... Harriet, you'll hate a mess tomorrow!
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