We propose a typical sweet Our land is very easy to do and to great effect on the palate:
Ingredients: Eggs, flour type "00", sugar, oil, cinnamon, grated rind of a lemon, honey.
Procedure: For each egg, add 3 tablespoons oil and 3 sugar mixing well. Add flour enough to get a soft and smooth. Remove the dough into sticks about an inch in diameter. Cut the sticks into pieces and fry each time changing the oil. Apart from water bath to melt the honey in a saucepan and add the cinnamon sticks and fried along with the lemon rind. Sprinkle a little 'sugar on a flat surface and pour over the prepared just obtained. Stir continuously so that the sticks do not stick to the plan. Once cooled to form the clusters and sprinkle with sugar to taste. The
pignolata is ready, enjoy!
Recipe Contributed by G. Tigers
[Via www.belice.it ]
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