Quando mille campane squillaron nel mattino
annunziando: Stanotte nato è Gesù Bambino !.
tutti i bimbi del mondo, al gioioso message.
following the comet. they set out.
not bore myrrh, nor frankincense scented, but
toys and sweets: a drum, a soldier,
a donut, a packet of biscuits, a train ...
gifts to the children of the divine Child! So
to Bethlehem - the little country
that the flame of love burning for the whole world - in the stable
shining between the ox and the donkey,
gave each child the best gift, expressing his best wishes
with all the exultation of his heart full of life and hope ...
Solo, on the sidelines, a child who had not been able
omprare a present - a deaf-mute child - he did not dare
show the pain of his heart
and was in a corner, wrapped in his pain.
But the Child Jesus, who sees and hears everything,
saw him with his hand and drew him gently
best toys that had received
gave to the poor so deaf and dumb,
and pressed him to the heart ... and in that gesture
then - while the kids are cheering in the circle singing,
holding hands, a ring faceano -
embraced all children born to love the world!
--- Ferdinand Passarello
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