.. yes, I do not write for months, and then write a fanfic that no one will want to read ... Brilliant! XD Come on, please, read the same .... * * Beseeching eyes
However, this is another post in which I try to get people to read Swordspoint!
Swordspoint is one of those cases where something wonderful is unknown to the masses ... I admit that part of the reasoning behind publishing this ridiculous fic without art nor part lies in the desire of at least some curiosity about this amazing story, but sadly that does not boast any Italian translation ... "Swordspoint" by Ellen Kushner, tells of a city divided in two. On the one hand the nobility architect their games of power while maintaining a facade of friendliness in a rich decor and unofficial public occasions. The other is Riverside, a neighborhood of abandoned buildings and repopulated by those considered the dregs of society: criminals, beggars, criminals, prostitutes, poor ... and swordsmen. The swordsmen are the only reason why the nobles still interested in Riverside, because to solve their disagreements and their feuds, have taken over the centuries of costume hire swordsmen by profession and enjoy their duels without dirtying your hands. In the Upper Town are going to elect the new political leadership, some would best protect the party, someone tries to be in their element in the affair, someone bay to their sordid cravings and they are apathetic and someone takes his young step toward something more than small golden world that has known so far. Everyone expects something from Richard St. Vier, the best swordsman of Riverside (perhaps the best of all time). Despite its fame, however, Richard is a simple person, unpretentious, and loyal to his sense of honor. The only attachment that seems to have is for Alec, a strange boy with a mysterious past, shrewd and sharp-talking way too much fascination with the idea of ending up murdered in a ... eclectic. Although a seemingly ill-assorted pair, and rather dysfunctional, their relationship will end up being the real solver of the story, in spite of all those plans.
In short, this was to give the idea, the novel is so rich, well-thought and well written summary that does not make any justice. My call is to read it, because it's definitely worth. One of the best books I ever read!
* And now, if I have not frightened the fanfic!
Fandom: Swordspoint
Characters / Pairing: St.Vier Richard / Alec
Rating: R. .? Whahahaha ~
Warnings: Canonica yayoyosa to report relatively high rating and the fact that I am terribly out of practice desk. Post-book, but spoiler-free.
After The Storm (The Sky Still Rumbles)
Normality is a creature's hands are inconsistent and read from pickpocket. "Normal" is merely a title passenger, can be slid away under our nose and we remain bewildered by the change only time it would take to find out what's neck hangs his situation now teaches. And 'normal find prostitutes on the streets of Riverside unhealthy air, scoundrels willing to any chore for a little cash and a knife in your back, if you're not quite sure yet, removed the dirt in decades, Riverside was only a quarter enough to be the sumptuous palaces normal residence of the noble and more demanding.
After the trial, after all that convoluted plot that did not want Richard to have more to do with the gentlemen and women of the city for a long long time if only they had not depended on the amount of food it could fill his stomach, his life had returned, so to speak, to normality. But not certain than it was before.
was not so much knowing what Alec had tried to drown in alcohol, drugs and suicidal fantasies more and more colorful, was not interested to know anything before, not even giving any weight now that I was almost overwhelmed. Richard, as it was extraordinarily simple in its nature, ended up getting involved from the details that anyone else would find it ridiculous and insignificant.
Alec was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace off - one of his many quirks was to think that that point was as hot even though there was no fire - all bent on a book resting on the tangle of his legs and black cloth that covered the time. Not much was being raised before him, or had simply decided not to worry about your clothes for that day, noted Richard. From the University's role as the fell on him and by those flashes of skin left uncovered, Alec did not seem to wear nothing underneath. Short hair is hardly to bother her cheeks, though he did not seem inclined to give them more attention than given to her current outfit. As it was, her neck gave a fine show of its bony edges before disappearing over the robe. From a privileged corner of the house was impossible for the swordsman does not follow a thought that he had been insistent since Alec was back. Richard approached without careful not to be heard, but got the same get unnoticed due to the distraction of the other. He crouched behind him and stroked his neck with his fingertips.
Alec, as Alec, was a reaction rather messy. First jumped violently, then the knowledge of who was the owner of that touch made him loose against the feline caresses. Then came Alec himself, he stiffened and turned to him with a sharp look.
"Richard," notes. "You woke up."
Richard did not answer, because there was no need, he continued to watch his fingers to draw the line of the neck of Alec. He watched him with the same hostile curiosity which upheld whatever did not raise his fun, but nevertheless left the hand of the swordsman same where it was. Strange. Encouraging.
"If you do not bother you too much from your hobby, can I ask what the hell are you doing?" he asked with an annoyed tone - but his shoulders were shaking slightly in a manner reminiscent of a different kind of sensation.
"Your neck." Richard's words sounded muffled his ears because of the unusual concentration that led his eyes and his hand. "I had never seen before." The cascade of messy hair that Alec was taken away by the University had always liked the swordsman, had always been there, had learned to regard part of the same boy, as his hand or his voice. Until now.
Alec raised his eyebrows and looked at it as look at him whenever he said something exceptionally stupid. "What a wonderful discovery! You should plant a flag and give it a name before someone else does!" the teasing.
"It 's a new part of you," insisted Richard calmly, accustomed to the ways of the other sarcastic. His fingers never ceased for a moment their cautious exploration. The bones of the spine became more pronounced where to begin the back. It was a concept that he knew his sense of touch, but his eye is a fascinating novelty.
"There are many parts of me do not know, "replied Alec cautiously. He shrugged, feigning disinterest in the topic and turned back to back - offering better access to Richard's neck, but whether or not wanted, it was impossible to say ". ... Or you did not know," he added with a touch of genuine discomfort, more directed to the recent past that the other guy.
The way of talking about Alec did was cause him trouble in any tavern in Riverside, did not need nothing to defend themselves from stupid that still did not know who he was under the protozione that student so easy to insult, but Richard had the opportunity to discuss it with his fellows - even if nobody really could say like Alec - and saw how the words could even fight, just like he did with his sword. The brazen ways and sharp Alec had attracted from the first moment and time to understand that. He did not use a sword, but Alec knew duel with great skill and Richard warmed this a pleasant feeling of desire on the bottom of the stomach.
"At the moment I'm interested in this." With a quick movement her lips replaced his fingers on the neck. The swordsman could not resist a worthy opponent.
"Ah!" Alec closed his eyes. Although Richard could not see him, he heard that closed them. "I begin, ah ... find some reason in favor of this ... ... your new par tic Olare ... interest ..."
Richard found himself against his chest, the back arched and Alec went to turn against the body of the surprisingly enthusiastic, given that it was broad daylight and were on the floor. Alec was a sort of feline rather likely, as wanted his company, did not allow himself to touch outside the darkness of the bedroom. The floor and the sunlight were a rarity, as a special occasion. The
surrounded his life with his arms, drawing her to him, and put his hands under her dress. There was really under another garment. Alec let out a breathless laugh. "You can not say that you are short of arguments ... Although I should note that once you your ... oh ... your rhetorical methods are still ... produced so little ... very primitive ... "
Richard had not stopped for a moment to explore the back of his neck with his lips, nor felt the need to get away from the skin taut and pale to respond." The simple and direct method is always the best .
"Dear me," he sighed Alec, whose susceptibility to theatricality could be playing his voice studiously melodramatic even when it was dark with excitement. "With that kind of sepliciotto I found! I beg you - ah - do not know oppre around I'll make a bad impression! "
" I never got the impression that you care very opinion common, "he retorted Richard noting his jab, a narrow scratch on his body and with teeth on the spine.
" not of the living, not ... But - "Richard gasped for a moment when it reached a sensitive point." - Posterity? I do not want them to say to what you were sepliciotto in the songs you write about us. "He paused only have time to sit better in his arms." I'll be there to laugh about it or complain. "
" We would find something to laugh or complain in any case, what's the difference? "Taking advantage of the openness of his movements, Richard pushed their bodies forward, guiding them toward the floor slowly, almost not to distract from his Alec speech. Alec
but seemed inclined to be distracted, he opened his mouth only to pant, trying with one hand behind her body, while the other tried to find a foothold on the smooth floor. Richard at that time did not need another, wanted nothing more, only to hear Alec tremble in his hands and continue to reach the back of his neck with his lips for the simple fact that he could. Finally he gave up together on the floor, hugging, broken, Alec gave him away again. Maybe in an instant Richard was also thought to your body, not just yet.
"Have you got what you wanted?" asked instead Alec and Richard realized that his tone was too late, that instead of relaxing, the boy was lost in his thoughts and what they had taken had cracked at the time, irreparably.
"I thought I wanted it too," said Richard quietly, but firmly, because he could keep his game, but he did not like being accused of taking something without permission. Alec
spun around, locking it to the ground and hanging over him, a familiar spark angry crowds across the eyes for a moment.
"You know what I want?" The stroked a lock of hair that had stuck to the face with a gesture, devoted, it was not for the rancor that's hardened face. "I want to see you with white hair. And the wrinkles over the face." His fingers followed those imaginary signs on his forehead and down his cheek. "So many wrinkles you can not even count them. But in the end it's always you to win it, you get everything, but you will not do anything because I can get what I want."
"No man of the sword came to have white hair ... not in Riverside." Not that Richard did not understand Alec. He just wanted to get adjusted to the idea that things could not go otherwise.
"See It 'just that I was talking about!" Left him on the ground and left the room. Richard had hoped that only the good sense to take the clothes from the laundry to Marie before leaving in the street, but do not worry too much because its fluctuations mood swings were so intense as ephemeral and would soon be returned home as if nothing had happened.
should have been up to then. Should participate in the deception because it was the only way in which they exceed that debate, since neither of them seemed able to change your mind to another. Richard would have gone along, just because he knew that he could not be the best for much longer and that sooner or later someone would have defeated in battle, ending his career and his life. It was not worth the upset Alec still remember.
Not right away, though. It should not be raised immediately.
The swordsman stood for a while where he had been left, his body still felt the lack of heat intensity of the other.
Not right away. Soon all would be better. Everything would work, somehow.
(Not Yet) The End
Bonus Track! Fanart of Swordspoint! Here precisely Alec has long hair, as suggested in the fic ...
Romance in Riverside by ~ Fengtianshi on deviantART
Bonus Track # 2! Even my cat solace with Swordspoint!
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