Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cola Stained White Shirt

Spoilerous The Post about Supernatural

Thanks to the kind souls who provided me with the episodes... *hails to Harriet and IL SOMMO* ...I finally watched the not so concluding fifth season of Supernatural . This is where I randomly talk about it.

Let's start with the end. And a rant.
It's sad to realize that those who managed to create such delightful, complex, intriguing and touching story, in the end soccumbed to the power of money. Because you can tell me whatever you want, the ending felt very much like a definitive ending if it wasn't for those last freaking five seconds!!! What's the sense of cover everything with this heavy athmosphere of conclusion and then showing Sam. Like that. I like cliffies, I always loved Supernatural's ones, after spazzing about how cruel they were. But this isn't a cliffie, it felt more like a bad joke. *dislike* I will always believe that they decided to go on with the story because the series is successful, but, for now, it really feels wrong with me... This was the conclusion of all the Winchesters story, of everything happened to them since the beginning and before, where everything fell in its place. How could you possibly go on after that? I have faith in thoso good scriptwriters, but I fear the sixth season will feel a little misplaced with everything else, even if it will resolve the not very happy ending of the fifth. You see... I usually tend to prefer happy ending, but this one felt so right... Sam won his personal battle angainst Lucifer and with his sacrifice saved the world, Dean accepted Sam as an equal, not just his little brither, and grow up he himself... And, as Castiel hinted before leaving, Freedom won against Peace, and the world was saved.
...and, ooohhh, all Chuck's writing, all he said... about the Impala (who's the real hero, the one who save the world! XD), about Sam and Dean... And most of all, his wonderful speech about stories and endings made me crie like, it was so true and beautiful...
"Endings are hard. Any cheap assed monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning. Endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you know you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you , they're a raging pain in the ass!
No doubt: endings are hard to write. But then again... nothing ever really ends... does it?"

And if he is God, as I presume I understood, you could read this lines as a half theological issue. It's a beautiful image of a writer God, where we are both characters and fans of His creation (and, sure, we bitch a lot! XD).
I really really would have loved the ending, even if the last episodes went fast and many things felt rushed, I would.
I think I just have to hope that season six won't ruin it all.

On a brighter side, here's a random list of the things I liked:
- THE TRICKSTER! THE TRICKSTER BEING GABRIEL! Beautiful turn of events, great character becoming even better! I love him so much more now, and both his episodes were genius!
-Crowley and all the references to Good Omens! Crowley is much more evil than the GO one, but he's hilarious too. HE TOOK PICTURE OF KISSING BOBBYKJDGHFJDòLSXJCHKGDFDMFJGKFS I THINK I EXPELLED MY BRAIN LAUGHING! XDDDD
(Yet... isn't it a little sexist that only the friendly MALE angel and demon turn out to be really friendly? Oh, well... I felt sad for Anna, I liked her, I wrote about her, I half-shipped her with Dean! Such a delusion... U___U)
-Script and direction, as always, are at an excellent level, there are sequences that are masterpiece (like the presentation of Death in ep.21... fantastic!)
-Supernatural making supernatural events come true, like Paris Hilton saying clever things!
-Oh, consideration on mankind are the most true and clever ever heard on tv and I love that they are mostly brought up by the evil beings.
-ASH! ASH HACKING HEAVEN! How a man can be dead and still rock that much??? <3
-Episode nine, "The real ghostbusters", managing to express what I always believed about stories... that if you become a better person and do something good because you take example from "non existing characters", well... GOOD! That's what stories are for, dammit! No fan should feel ashamed of the good inspiration that comes from stories! I love this point of view about fans, I really do....ç___ç <3
-CUPID! Cupid was genius too! XDDD
-Dean, Sam, Castiel and Bobby... I always love them...ç___ç <3

Oooohh, there's so much to say about how beautiful Supernatural is, but I shall stop, since I got verbous, as I tend to do under the effect of HEAVY OBSESSION and hours of no-stop watching...

You never watched Supernatural before? GO AND DO IT!!!


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