We just got in place that will host this night, but it is good to step back. The flight went well, there's finally touch screens with movies and music on demand. And finally we have put in two places nearby, which does not seem very common here. Once you arrive at your destination, through a special shuttle bus, we reached the place of Hertz, which has provided us with a car (at the end much larger than expected, but it consumes much less as a hybrid, what will make us save for the thousands of miles we travel in the next 20 days).
The first mishap was not long in coming, however: apparently our reservation was only present on the site booking.com, while there was nothing from the database of the hotel. At the end there was nothing to be done, the rooms were all full. Maybe we'll come back tomorrow.
In the meantime we have found an arrangement of luck in a horrible motel 5 minutes from the original Teutonic consigliatoci the manager of the same (or better, sconsigliatoci, but as indicated by). The room is bare, but has a large window almost as much as an entire wall that reminds molto le vetrine del
quartiere a luci rosse di Amsterdam. La porta del bagno non si chiude e sembra
molto uno di quei motel a ore in cui si portano le prostitute.
Come se non bastasse
abbiamo mangiato solo lo snack sull’aereo, e in questo momento la nostra cena
consiste in una pepsi presa al distributore, che odora palesemente di muffa.
Non importa, l’obiettivo è schiodare il prima possibile domani mattina (anche
perché credo che alle 6 staremo svegli per via della luce) e cercare di trovare
una sistemazione dignitosa. Vi terrò aggiornati appena troverò un hotspot
PS Attention! The Italian of this post may be poor because of sleep and hunger.
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