Friday, August 20, 2010

Liver Transplant And Bottled Water

Escape from Beatty.

In the desert, it really makes you realize what the word means silence. That silence, holding my breath for a few seconds, it becomes very loud. And it is only broken by the roar of the wind gusts that resounds in the valley.

But since I have been accused of excessive formality, stop with these amenities.

Today Beatty fleeing in a hurry, they could not find available rooms for the night because of an event that raised a great excitement around the small village. As far as we knew it was a sort of car racing in the desert, more is not known. For this reason, packed bags and so on, we headed back into Death Valley, to complete our tour sultry. Returning from the charming town of Bad Water , a puddle of dew located in a depression in the middle of a sea of salt caked called Devil's Golf Course , we climbed in Artists Drive, with its montagnozze and colorful canyons cut only by narrow strip of asphalt road. Much better then having both Zabriskie Point, with its congealed yellow dunes, which from Dante's View , which dominates all the enormous expanse of salt below.

Determined to find a place to sleep on the way to Las Vegas, on the advice of the receptionist of another motel in Beatty, we headed to the place you indicated that Long Something Inn, at Amargosa. Being in the midst of a chip only about anything but we decided to continue and, walking walking, we reached a decent hotel a few miles from the center of the glittering city. Here we spend the night waiting in the room - just booked - the Imperial Palace, located in front of Cesar's Palace, a place of rare pacchianaggine. Tomorrow, however, a dip in the pool I did not handle anyone.


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