I am with the other two tags: Edward D
Castor (tagged by Blackie_never) and René Castor (Katheryan and tagged by free90)
Edward Castor
1 - It 's always been creative! When he was a child, when everyone thought he was asleep, he slipped under the covers with a flashlight in hand to read the comics library. Gradually he began to write up to make it his profession.
2 - He has had several women in his life, but few series. At 15 he had decided to marry Riana, a classmate and puppy love with whom he shared four years of romance.
3 - She loves animals and his mother called him Sophia tenderly St. Francis for his habit of bringing home injured or abandoned animals.
4 - I love watching the Yankees in the company of his brother Patrick and a good ice cream stracciatella.
5 - 'A very quiet, hardly gets angry or cries. but if you can make him angry: Escape!
6 - It 's been very bad for his past history with Sarah, despite the past years could never forgive his brother.
7 - ioshell it has restored to life, he will be eternally grateful for this, after a while, therefore, is also grateful to the twin.
8 - He's very spoiled son René, despite the replicas of his wife Ioshell has never been able to resist agli occhioni di cerbiatta che la figlia gli lanciava quando desiderava qualcosa.
9- Quando Seth sparò a Dante, mirando a lei, si sentì morire! per la prima volta ha provato il desiderio di uccidere un uomo con le sue mani.
10- Da quel fatidico giorno ha sempre tenuto un'occhio in più verso la figlia, terrorizzato che Seth, o qualcun'altro, potesse farle del male.
Renèè Castor
1- E' fissata con la cura delle unghie, non esce di casa senza smalto.
2- In tutta la sua vita ha avuto ottimi voti a scuola, si è sempre impegnata molto per rendere sua madre e suo padre fieri di lei.
3- Si è always defined as a faithful person. he had never cheated and do something like this before he left ... but this was the first to know that Dante did completely lose my mind.
4 - That was the ultimate betrayal still remaining faithful to Dante, her husband.
5 - inherited from his father's passion for animals and she was St. Francis II revenge. At home there were more animal than human.
6 - I love playing the sims ... is spiked and spends hours to build houses or create simmoli
P = 7 - It was never superstioza, is ridiculous any form of horoscopes, tarot or similar hexes.
but the game of the pendulum, which made her the mother of friend, he left having been disturbed as a result: no children. He calmed down only when Aida was born completely debunking the ridiculous beliefs.
8 - is often lost in thought stopping to listen to those who have faced for daydreaming.
9 - despite having worked as a model, that was not his dream. He did so only in order to maintain the psychological studies without burdening the shoulders of parents. It is a very proud woman and does not want to be spoiled.
10 - when the promise of marriage was flustered in prununciare, too excited to be able to connect by the new husband smiled.
- Jen Blackie_never
- Wesley Katheryan
- Ayda of Katheryan
- Black Annerulez
- FLEUR of free90
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