Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Is C D Shoe Size

thing about Lucas

Tagged by Lena =)
Ten things about Lucas.


1 - Lucas grew up in a typical family, an only child but has always suffered from the lack of a sister or brother diun, this feeds the desire for you have in the future, a large family.

2 - Around 18 years with Aida realized that things were not just friendship, but he always preferred not to mention it for fear of ruining the friendship.

3 - Despite being a CIA agent and the danger is his job, loves horror movies ... but he has a terror of the film 'IT' that has traumatized when he was a child and still refuses categorically to view it .

4 - She loves pizza and any Italian dish. One of his dream would be to move to the hills of Siena, in Tuscany.

5 - Though feeling a little ... has a predilection for his obsessive mother, woe betide anyone who touches it as it is divorced and hates when people approach her for purposes not exactly chaste .... it is a mama's boy!

6 - As a child did not sleep without the light of the dresser on ... has lost the habit at age 13.

7 - has one scar on the hip. No, not if it is procured on a mission of CIA agent ... but falling off my bike.

8 - E 'attached to the physical form, is training for hours and even if he tries to maintain a strict diet, often succumbs to the temptations of the throat.

9 - The first time he kissed Aida was a cover ... tailing a suspicious individual who was threatening to expose them turned, instinctively kissed her after taking a slap.

10 - When I finally got to love Aida, he confessed his feelings and to his surprise he saw reciprocate. Even today, katy, the glares when he crosses.

Allour .... mirage I was already satisfied the curiosity.
say then that I would like to know more about:

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