Thursday, February 24, 2011

Queen Bed Fit Cargo Van

Just Dance! Strange scents

XD Dai ... I'm redoing my Latin = P
rapid than speedy gonzales back to update. I did not think there were many doubts on the scene last year and swept the A's! Well it was actually too easy and you all have seen the answer. This is perhaps a little harder (not that much actually) but I have left many clues P =
To learn about how the holiday to Margaret now fifteen ... under the cut!


"Yaaaaaahooooooooooooooo!" Sketched by the cry of Drew made her plug her ears had not yet entered into the machine that you already bursting with enthusiasm from every pore.
Laughter fills the room of Margaret who was trying to close the last suitcase.
"Lindsay, please sieditici on!" Had asked when ennissimo effort after the suitcase was almost broke out on the face, "Are you sure, Drew, that all this stuff is needed?" Domanti friend and her sister had obeyed laughing and sitting on the bag.
"Of course you must! Come on you want to know someone or not! Enough with the life of a monk! "Reiterated the firm while another top in his cluttered.
"But as our blonde has already started for me ..." he looked Candance allusion with a smile on his face. My first instinct was flushed ... what the hell was raving?!


"On all but come on ... you know! [Except you Except you Except TEEE = P]" Lindsay was suddenly blurted out.
"I explained what the hell are you blathering about?"
"Now you're fifteen ... you're not too small for Ethan!" Was the response of his sister. He loved her, really, but at that moment he just wanted to strangle her! The eyes of the accusers of her friends had done well understand how this was not a surprise but a fact. It was so obvious that he had a thing for Ethan?!
"I do not care if they are too small for Ethan! To me it is nasty "
"layers may also dislike ...-Drew had started - but it is not necessary if there is sympathy for the desire to Ciul half as curly"
It did not argue that Candace had given strong man "Then you is not even unpleasant, by admit it! It 'so obvious that you have a crush on him for excessive "
" Ok, ok ... now enough with this talk, it was better to finish it because with the luck that had recently been able to enter and Ethan would hear the confession of her friends about his obsession for the Moretto.


"Eeeh ... My child! You're too shy, and above all, do you see what you put in your suitcase! "Drew had bypassed starting to rummage through his clothes and every time he took a head in a black painted nails pulled out his tongue in disgust," You're not going to take this? "showed the color of Marge and receiving felpone oversize launched on the floor.
"Hey! I love that sweater! "
" Are you sure you want to make a fashion designer?! I do not think you have such good taste, "Lindsay had teased Candance while nodding his head solemnly red.
"I want to pack clothes and I have bad taste! I like nice clothes just are not suitable for me "
" Ok, you there I think! We refer back the case and the worst will soon be something of mine "
His protests had proved totally useless, and held in place by Lindsay and Candance, saw its stock collapse and rebuilt from scratch. Now that is not closed and had to sit in the two above it to force the hinges to join.


"Are you ready?" Aida was facing the door rubbed his eyes when he saw the mountain trolley, suitcases and bags that hung over the floor.
"You want to bring all that stuff?! Stay away a month, one year! "
" It 's the bare minimum - had begun Lindsay - I know that from your teenage years have passed many ages but believe me this is normal for a girl! "in that statement Margie was laughed as Aida showed a not too friendly grin.
"Hey! How dare you?! Not so many years have passed! Come on, take your stuff before you change your mind and make you feel at home! "Offense was out of the room while the girls laughed like an idiot.


It was a real slave work, Lucas had helped her daughters and their friends with the transport of the assets sweat seven shirts ... damn! The car seemed to explode and were also forced to insert them into the machine as Aida took place.
Fortunately, there were two boys, had left the night before or who otherwise would hold their usual jeers?! Regrowth discomfort he had felt at the thought of arriving and not finding an empty house, just for them. But it also drove the warm feeling of being something full of fragrance of Ethan.
"Take care! - Lucas had awakened from his thoughts turn to her and Lindsay look serious - Do it right, phone calls every day, but for what we will call you! And remember that even if we did not not mean that we endorse the idea of knowing that you stay out until after midnight. "
" Since it is a holiday will extend o'clock curfew! "Aida had intervened but the smile on the faces of the girls had disappeared.
"And above all ... no girls! Understood? "Lucas was so serious as to make the walls shake, father jealous!


"Yeah, yeah ... well ... we will do the same things the brave!" Margaret had cut short sling machine followed by Candance while Lindsay and Drew settled in the other car.
"I will ask Jeremy to refer to if these simple rules ..." Lucas had turned over the keys in the door ... behold, he had the wrong car, he had to go with mom. Then again another
downside: Jeremy hired as a spy! Damn!
soon arrived at the airport and it was time for greetings. Lucas had recommended a thousand times more risk of losing almost teenagers to the last call for boarding, but finally there they were! On the plane ready to jump into the saddle to the new adventure.

was late afternoon when they arrived.
A nice bright sunshine had welcomed the air was hot and took a nice breeze.
Margaret had the deepest breath that air transport! That the scent of salty sea.
"Honey ... - Drew had put a hand around her shoulders - you're made the waxing right? "


" What!? What questions do you? "Marge was struggling to embrace, incredulous that her friend had come a similar concern.
"I tell you, no!" Had interfered Lindsay taking the upper hand and opening the door. Because he lacked his cottage by the sea E_e
"Ok ... row in the bathroom!" Drew looked at her in that typical way that he wanted to say, 'I do not moves so much,' she was sure he would have escorted up to the bathroom if he had not sold now!
"Oh, okay ... but because you care so much about my appearance?"
"Well ... there is Ethan and I will see you in costume ... you want to see baboons version 8)"


Rather, it was guarded around the house and seemed to be no trace of Ethan and even Jeremy. Where the hell were they?! He stopped once to think about it in the bathroom es'infilò afferrrando the fatal blade and starting its operation, at least it would not have given Drew the torment. The door was quickly opened and Margaret she turned with a jerk, sure that this was just another fool with Ethan sgam in the private and embarrassing moments. He had to remember to lock! When
ahead Candance had seen had breathed a sigh of relief. At least this time he had escaped.


"Well .. do you mean? "declared his Candance
" About? "
" As Ethan, wake up! "
" I've already told him that I am not worthy of a look! He only likes to take the piss and I assure you it is not nice! "
" I think if you come so close to kiss him even try something "
" Yeah ... maybe you forget that I kissed her forehead, was I can humiliate a skit for "
" Then do something damn you! "vehemently had pulled up watching it with the air of someone who wants to be convincing, but Margaret was not convinced at all.


"I should do what?! Take a deuce of spades?! Then I'd rather be the man to take the first step and not the woman! "
" Did I not tell him to tell him to go to eternal love, only to do something to catch your attention! Heck, show that you are a woman and not a girl! "
Yeah, it was easy for her to speak. It was already difficult to accept this absurd infatuation epr best friend's brother, also having to get noticed she seemed totally absurd!
She felt kiss the forehead "I'm going to put the costume, you look at the beach ... our vacation together begins!" And Candance was out of the bathroom leaving her alone with its many doubts.


It was rinsed and opened the window, away from the chatter had caught his eye as he stretched his eyes that had been in place on the figures of two boys, one brother and one who ... was the other?! She saw him from behind, but even then he heard a burst, kidnapped by those broad shoulders, muscles defined by those who shoot at each race to the ball.
Short hair, raven, were wet and hovered in the air at every move by dropping a few drops and then he saw that blue of her eyes that had found a fix ...


was Ethan?!? Margaret had quickly closed the door dropping on the ground. Shit! Here is another one! That is ... that was Ethan?!? Ok, not seen him for almost two months during which he and his brother had gone to wander around Europe and the night before Jeremy had gone to fetch him. Practically from the evening was that the discovery had not seen him in the shower and had passed a couple of months and it had also cut his hair ... but damn! He looked like a man , A beautiful man!
"And that says I should try?!?" Laughed talking to himself, now that would not have made any kind of plan and already she felt stupid for having shaved and for trying to fix my hair. He would never have looked! Not one so beautiful. These
a second peek and ran to put on a costume.


Below Candance had been waiting only, the other two were already on the beach to play with my brother, and Ethan who had gone to say hello. Now he had to greet her ... wow what a joy! Not only was irritating, not just the teasing, had not only seen aspects of her that he wanted to explain ... but it was so nice to let them dry the mouth.
In any case he tried to relax with the warmth of those rays caressing your skin.
"Here too" Jeremy had just moved his hand in greeting, he had cut the hair and as he approached he noticed a slight blush on the cheeks of Candance. It was her brother and she sucked ... but objectively it was a nice guy, is not that, very nearly, Candace had a crush on Jem?!
"us-hello!" She stammered her friend more and more confirming his suspicions. He smiled in his sleeve while his brother took her under his arm to rub his head ... as she hated! With a tug was struggling glared at him "the usual idiot!" As he had laughed.


Only then he noticed Ethan sit on the deck, got up and had started toward her with a smile on his face. Oh ... what was that tangle in the stomach?! Because the legs were jelly?! Shit!
"Hello baby ..." he said with his bright white smile, smagliantissimo, splendentissimo ... damn! He had to regain composure! Ethan was nothing but a nuisance to Ethan!
"Hello ..." he had mumbled, was not just a greeting but so be exemplary, not better than the original release.
He had seen sharp turn them around and wrap it with those muscular arms and strong ear while whispering "how cool ... you're just not at all happy to see me?"
And he lost another heart beat.


the corner of the eye had not escaped the mischievous smile of the lips that Drew told her, 'Go big!' and felt even more embarrassed! Quickly had away from him trying to find a minimum of lucidity.
"Oh, you offended?! You know it was not my intention divide the house with a nuisance like you! ", even this time she let the words of reproach for Drew.
"The temper was well known to you .. I'm glad, "he had gone a few steps are going to dive into the sea while she was sitting quietly on the sand, sinking his feet.


the evening had been quick to arrive, no one felt like cooking so we were limited to ordering a pizza that the kids had eaten on the couch in front of the Bon Jovi concert and the girls in the dining room gossiping, and maybe the enamel.
"What are we doing tonight?" Candance had raised the question and all were made think of any programs.
"I've heard Jem that will go to a place on the beach very nice, we go there," Lindsay was already lit up like the other two.
"Just one question ... what kind of place is it?"
"A sort of disco ... have fun!"
"Okay ... but there is no curfew!" Had complained Marghe snorting loudly.
"I forgot ..." Lindsay had lost his smile while Margaret was the idea!
"I know how to blackmail him! If we say that the curfew laundry rebuke to tell mom and dad who sgam to smoke a joint! "
Lindsay had clapped her hands to the idea of evil wicked sister ... but effective!
"But - had begun Drew - you dress me!" And so it was ...


"Oh my God! But who is this? "He shouted, looking in the mirror. May have been her?! Did not recognize it was so different! It was so ... so ... bold! Beautiful! It was not her.
"WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - the cry of Candance had covered every sound - you're beautiful baby!"
The chorus of approval of the other two seemed to confirm ... too bad that she felt ridiculous! Where did he go so tanned?!
"For Ethan take a shot when you see it," he chuckled Candance making it more of a red bell pepper.
"Strength from .. the party begin! ", a choir had risen and soon they were out. The boys were already out for a drink and they'd probably been there ... but who cares! That was their night, the first night by independent!


Everything was new for Margaret, who looked around with eyes wide in disbelief that all he had in front of it was true! Billions of light colored furious that they were running, there was a lot of people, all of which moved like crazy, drinking, smoking and laughing ... ok, others happily snogging. Drew seemed so do not stay in the skin pulled and she was thrilled. The music was deafening as pressing, but he soon get used to.
"Take a drink?" Had been brought Drew looking at her with excited eyes.
"We are under age ... how do you solve this little detail?"
"Not me, at least not tonight!"
"What do you mean?" Candance and Lindsay had asked almost in unison by removing the words to Margaret.
"Ta-dan!" In his hands stood out a card that gave her age as 19 years.
What a fool!


And so it was carried away from madness and infectious fun of Drew, he did not know how the hell did he get that fake ID but after the first glass of cosmopolitan was persuaded to have 18 years too! He refused to say that the board was 20, perhaps too much to make us fall for someone, even if, in fact, seemed very much larger than those with hair and that makeup and that dress. Wow ... it felt like a fairy tale! After a few minutes he had finished his drink he heard a very warm, disarming a desire to laugh, dance, move, go wild! And do not pray when she left she had found herself in the middle of the track to dance like a mad sang songs that went under.


"Just Dance! Gonna be ok ... "his tipsy chorus was interrupted by Lindsay, her sister who had a strange look
" That figaccione you is staring at the DJ! "Oh yeah! He had turned, and in fact was a curious bronze Statues, high, muscular look to a wardrobe, hair riccissimi on that excuse and beautiful complexion at all! Casserole dish that cool! But no ... she continued to stare at the entrance in the hope of seeing his secret love appear: Ethan.


"I do not care!" He responded by shrugging and continuing to move ignoring the stares let the rest of the guys throwing.
And then there he is ... in all its beauty, with those eyes and that smile magnetic charmer.
Ethan had made his entrance with his usual sure-footed companion always flanked by his brother Jem.
Maybe it was for alcohol, perhaps because it was not used to the nightlife that was wreaking havoc ... the fact is that the meeting had run
... "Hey ... Ma-Margaret!? - Had seen him from head to foot, maybe he found it hard to recognize - irriconoscebile six, six six ... ... wow! "had really done a compliment?! Who had they not done was Jem "how the hell have you tanned?! You know what time is it? Almost one and you should go home! "
" If you tell Mom and Dad that I do not respect the curfew, I will say that you do ... Who do you think the joints would take the incazzatura more? "Than its power Jem position was now speechless, had put the pout and then shook his head away to the bar, alone again grabbed Ethan by the arm and receiving brought with her in the middle of the track began to dance around a sinuous astonished Ethan observed that the kidnapped.


His breath was warm and touched her cheek, the skin immediately felt strange ... it was electrified, more he looked, the more that was left staring at the sea in his eyes and wanted to kiss him more, it was beautiful! Too good! His face was so close and his lips were too big a temptation to give it up. But it was not so foolish as to decide to reduce her first distance unbearable, so I hope he did ... he


But he never did, and soon after Jem came back with two drinks in hand. She felt a tug on the arm to one side of the track and his anger had opened
"What are you doing?!?"
"I have fun, which seems to you?"
"You're my sister, I do not like to see you make a fool"
"Why are not you noticed almost all the room you're presence maschiile undressing with the eyes! "
" And you let them watch ... "she said resentfully but surprise, because she had not noticed to be observed?! Probably because he was not interested.
"I will not let you watch! Margaret shit! "
" Hey Jem, we must share together the holiday, try not to stress too much, ok? "Had not given time to answer that came back from friends and then BAM! A shot to the heart!
Ethan to sit at a table together with a mischievous-looking chick who seemed to flirt gaily.


No, this time he was not shit! It was she who had been a moron! Angry
had withdrawn from the pit exit out of the room. He wanted to cry, all the euphoria felt was gone and now all of a sudden he just wanted to go to get under the sheets. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
's hand Drew had collected.
"What are you doing here?"
"Lindsay is experiencing a type and to Candance is dancing with your brother ... you doing here rather than with this face? "
" Nothing ... I'm just an idiot who thought a win out of my reach "
" So you admit that you like Ethan? "
" Yes, I admit it ... happy? "
" However it is not not out of reach, "he said with a kind voice caressing her face.


"You want to conquer? Then you do something ... "
" What?! He is with the brunette, who cared for want of me? "
" You can do it ... she knew jealous or something like that ... "
" was easy "
"Come on, let's dance. We're here for no? "
And so it was back into the room, and had begun to dance a little 'thought Ethan was gone.
was hot and had accepted a second drink he had brought Candance before returning to dance with Jem.
Margaret was so absorbed by his dancing that almost had struggled to feel the hand that sat on her side, she turned and found himself in front of the DJ.


Without saying anything she turned smiling ... it was not bad at all, so tall and handsome, was intriguing and full of charisma. Why not?
The boy said something but she had not heard a word in that din.
"What!?" He practically shouted to be heard in his ear.
"Can I meet you?" He repeated more loudly.
Without even thinking she nodded as she left to grab the side and start dancing while talking ... as far as possible into a nightclub.
He discovered that his name was Zack, who was 21 years and who was there on vacation and lived in Washington.
Despite all seemed nice, judging by the jokes he had done.


"How about if we go out of here? We can talk more calmly, what do you think? "Had whispered (shouted, actually) ear. His close
had become more powerful but still gentle and respectful. Basically Drew had told her she could make Ethan jealous and turned and saw him ... there in the corner, only, without looking at her with an air that he could not decipher. After all he could do it. At the worst would have known better, a guy who looked interesting.



Why not? We continue to ask. It can kill two birds with one stone: to make Ethan jealous by following the advice of Drew and, if this is unsuccessful, however, would have known better that the guy who seemed so nice and charming. After all did not have to go with him to a secluded place but just outside the room where there were still people. So why deny that knowledge could also be useful?

nice ... Although there is no need to go out with him. Maybe not even need its purpose to Ethan jealous so why waste time talking with someone who is nice but that basically is not interested?! Better to stay with friends.


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