Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Much Staples Laminating

Margherita ...

And here I am at last! I'll be back after quite a bit with the new episode of Red Potion!
Aida will be no more, as already mentioned, but his daughter-_ ^ This time the heir is not, by choice of history, the first born, but her younger sister =)
I hope you will like ... The first episode is divided into two parts for reasons of length, I hope soon to post the second part. In FB
pages there are extra photos = P the link is this:
Happy reading ^ ^


A bright sky served as a background to a hot sun. No cloud on the horizon that seemed to annoy sunny day in California.
Among the hills stood a comfortable house surrounded by apple orchards, vineyards and a field of maize.
Sitting in the yard, Lucas, sipped his wine production in front of him watching what he had built in those 18 years.


So much time had passed since Aida him hospitality in his studio in Manhattan. Ben 18!
closed his eyes going down memory lane ... that night and tailed a suspect that he could bring it to the boss of the damn organization. Aida walked at his side, determined and beautiful as always. Illuminated by the dim light of lanterns held his head high, proud and self-confident. Her skin came from a delicate fragrance, the scent that would recognize the millions. Instinctively smiled when he remembered the moment when the guy turned jerky stalked toward them threatening to derail their plans. Instinctively, he had turned to her pushing her against the wall with one hand and taking possession of her lips ... how many times he wanted to kiss her but the opportunity had presented itself unexpectedly and certainly unromantic. But for him it was a thrill flying away ... it's all a balance over the madness ... (cited Vasco Rossi).


Her mouth had replied ... felt around on her, hugging her chest, she felt his fingers caress the head ... he felt her tongue creep into his mouth ... almost forgot about their mission, there was nothing if not its smell, its taste ... only persuasive he did slap her back to reality. He put a hand on cheek, smiling sideways, her Aida. Stubborn and proud!
He looked up at the shadow that had stretched over him, in front of his wife with her hair disheveled, which is hardly the ears. Beautiful as always. Again he found himself thinking about that kiss and how much that gesture had changed their lives.


"What are you doing? They are going to get mine, you gotta face looking girls? ", Had bent upon him to give him a light kiss on the lips before looking at him waiting for a response.
"Where are the plagues?" He asked, smiling.
"Lindsay and Margaret are playing in the living room while the boys are up along with Ethan"
Yeah, in those eighteen years, not only had moved to California where Aida was devoted to painting and Lucas to the wine. But they also had four children. Two twins that had puzzled the whole family, incredulous that in both pregnancies had presented a case of twins.
And so were born to Jeremy and Jaden. Both 14 year olds.
Jeremy was certainly the one that created more headaches, the firstborn casinos that loved music and any kind of transgression. As a child slipping away from home, sometimes even bringing along his twin Jaden, to go play where its not wanted to leave. But the risk was his job, or so he said. By adolescence he had become even more rebellious, he spoke with his little, not because they loved him but their kindness was very annoying because he preferred to close the room with his music and devote himself to the joints in the night to reach his friends .


Needless to say, he had to find a new partner of raids when he realized that his brother Jaden was devoted to peace. So he met Ethan, as rebel with whom he spent most of his time and enjoyed to the casino. Ethan Hunt (no, no ... I did not take inspiration from Mission Impossible = P).


Yes, Jaden was the opposite of his brother. He preferred to read a book or play football rather than staying to break his eardrums with stereo ball. It was not the type. The few times he was persuaded to follow Jeremy in one of its newfangled had been trouble for him. Once they had discovered causing a punishment of no less than three weeks, the next time he had broken an arm with other punishment as a result and other similar bad luck had come upon him when he tried to keep up with his brother. For him, what counted most was the football team and played in since he was little. His dream was to break into the world of sport. If the football was his first love, I also like basketball and baseball with which he enjoyed playing with his father on lazy days.


With four years after the twins were even born: Lindsay and Margaret.
The first was an olive-skinned brunette, was very similar to his dad.
vain, since he was 5 years claimed the enamel on the nails, bright colors even if the favorite was the rose. His clothes were all pink and lace. He played with Barbie dolls and was certainly a rather clever and mischievous girl for her age. At 10 years old did not want to wait to get their heels and become a woman to be able to wear makeup and beautiful clothes she saw on TV during the fashion shows in Milan or New York or Paris. His dream was to live in Paris, despite his young age had very clear ideas. Certainly it was frivolous, but that did not mean automatically that he was stupid or bad. He loved his twin sister, as his bad taste does not coincide with his. Often he took it as a guinea pig for her improbable hairstyles and Margaret agreed to willingly.
His unbridled passion was certainly the dance, passed the bar most of his spare time and was also very good.


And finally there was the slightest ... but not least, Margaret!
The small, sweet Margaret. With that blond hair and green eyes was considered the angel of the house. It looked like a lot at Grandma Rene, except for the hair she had inherited from his paternal grandfather. You are shy and solar.
She loved her dad was her hero, her prince, her knight and way of life. Yes, the syndrome of Papone hit her too.
will also be a girl but already has clear ideas about his future no doubt! He wants to make clothes.


(so much for this show Aida = P)


What really loved to do is sew it, like her mother. But also loves painting Since little one was lost to admire Aida wisely lay that color on the canvas alive and she was lost in his dreams, its fantasies. It was romantic, dreaming of love, the real one! What they also Mom and Dad! But in the meantime not worried about it, preferring to delight with her sister Lindsay's room to play mom trying her clothes and messing her face with lipstick and eye shadows.


That was also in quell'afoso June afternoon. Outside
heard the voice of mom and dad talk, she was eager to see his beloved grandmother! She was proud to look like Grandma Rene, had always found it beautiful and so was her hair now graying of time. So how good he was his grandfather Dante. Had often boasted to her school friends by showing them pictures of her grandparents young and all will be delighted by his grandfather.
"by marg! Connections and this necklace! "Lindsay was dragged behind the shoes the shoes bigger than a lot 'of measures that belonged to Aida while Margaret was finishing maybe red lipstick, but details drooling everywhere, she turned to her rubbed eyes when he saw the court that his sister was holding lacquered fuchsia.
"You get that? If mom finds out killing us! "
" Do not be a spoilsport ... I take it off now! "And so had become convinced. Hesitant had tied the series and finally had two liters of perfume sprayed in the mirror and gazed at their masterpiece.
"We look like two princesses," he said while Lindsay Marghe shake her hand back, looking excited.


already imagined on a white horse, behind her prince as they rode away to his castle, going to crown their dream! He would not kiss her, without speaking of course ... because it sucks, then he would have married a beautiful black suit and she would wear a white dress like a cloud and a train so long that it must be supported by many bridesmaids
... "Oh God ... "the voice of Ethan had arrived unexpectedly behind them making them jump with fright," how did you tanned? "he insisted to laugh derisively and then making them inflamed cheeks with shame. Margaret hated here ... Ethan! His brother could not find a nicer friend?! Damn him! To put the burden of ninety had been his brother Jeremy that when you tick the dark head from the door, was left to go to a coarse laugh.


"Hey! What do you want?! Why do not you go elsewhere? ", Margaret had moved combative. Yes, she was shy ... but until it came to defending his honor! In that case became a lioness (her favorite animal species to another when he saw 'The Lion King').
Ethan had moved a few steps closer to her with an air of mockery, he had bent the heel to look at her face and took her face in her hands carefully survey.
"If you want a prince, I offer voluntary 8)"
Margherita he immediately retracted the air with his tongue out and disgusted, disgusted at the idea.
"You're an idiot! Not even a good frog! "
Another laugh and they had finally left the room.


He snorted before taking a handkerchief and lipstick off his lips.
"What's wrong? From that you care about those two idiots? "Lindsay protested by sitting on the mattress to fall then get up to fix the wrinkles as they are made on the deck.
"I want to put pink lipstick," he had made a tongue and their games were continued. At least until his father came into the room was not understood stucco in front trovarsele tanned as two clowns. The party dress, shoes and jewelry of Aida and red cheeks, eye shadow and mascara on the eyes atrocious cast everywhere.
"But how did you tanned?" Declared his irritating immediately. Because no one could see his art?
"We're not good, Dad?" Lindsay looked like an angel had appeared so sweet to his voice and Lucas could not help but smile tender.
"You are beautiful ... but there's little between the grandparents and maybe it's better if you present with your natural beauty!"
A puff had accompanied the request, while sad, put down the jewels and left to drive toward the shower.


now it was dusk. Outside the sun was sinking in the hills of California when the plane came under the harsh notes of a guitar and a voice, albeit young, powerful. His brother Jeremy and Ethan ... that two boxes! Possible that could withstand the mayhem every day?! It was already sore, but Ethan did not know why the nervous, he was obnoxious, always took it around and making her feel uncomfortable ridiculous. Why should he be the best friend of her brother?! However he had not got to think about it when his grandmother appeared in her room with a smile and a huge bundle, equally huge, the door of his room.
"Grandma!" Shouted enthusiastically as he went to throw his arms and then jump from those of his grandfather Dante. He was always happy when her grandparents went to see her and knew that time would have been a few days there with them was so excited to have them all for you for a while '.


Life was serene, happy childhood. Margaret enjoyed that summer to the standard of games and entertainment. His inseparable companions were certainly her sister and her best friend Candace.
The summer had passed quickly, among the usual bickering with his brother Jeremy and Ethan that did not stop for a moment of teasing thing. It seemed to be his favorite sport and would not stop even with over the years!
Even now when he was 14 years her brother's friend insisted on provoking her, throwing digs irritant and annoyed with his stupid jokes. How that morning when he had thrown a water balloon with Jeremy as he descended from the school bus with the backpack.


"Could be the most idiotic of a gnat?", He growled her while Ethan had approached the disheveled hair.
"You're cute when you get angry." This was too much! He clenched his fists and had a tongue and overtook both spinning inside the house. What nerve! It was definitely a being hateful! His father had seen him in the midst of the vines while his mother was away from home that day to talk about a show, the better! She did not talk to anyone. It was a strange time for her ... beginning to discover his body and kisses with his tongue schifano not much. He had discovered a few days ... now, watching the sex scenes or kissing on TV, but he felt no desire to try more disgusting too.


"Come, let us Scamarcio's new film," Lindsay was thrown on the DVD player in putting on the cd while Margaret had continued to look strange "I do my homework"
"We do not run away ... later, quiet!"
"will look tonight ... I have to study that tomorrow is the task. In theory you should do it too! "
" Study for me, up to recopy your notes, "she laughed with a wink as he went in the room making a face.
Ok, it was time to study ... was not the time or the distractions of Professor Harrison would have saddled a nice four and saw that it was the first year of high school was perhaps the case of risking bad grades that did not drop the media.
crouched in the bed on his three thousand books, and occasionally chatted with Candance on the task, could not concentrate. Useless. He drank a long drink of orange juice from the bottle before closing annoyed by the usual, familiar, usual noise that came from Jeremy's room.


noisily had pushed the chair away from her and fell down style ridens hyena. That's enough!
without knocking the door being opened in a cloud of smoke that Jeremy had just bothered to hunt out the window when he saw her go, dropping his instrument on the ground.
"If they find Mom and Dad can say goodbye to pocket money and the car!" Poked him with a sadistic smile on his face. To once, perhaps, could have his revenge.
"Were not you locked up?" Jeremy had growled in the direction of Ethan who just shrugged in response, "I thought you had closed." Thank goodness he was the older brother, to 17 years and a half!


"Please do not tell mom and dad, okay?" Jem was going on her ... after all it loved it. It 's true, he constantly teased and not Ethan never defended. But he defended the real bullies, was his guardian angel, and he knew that he wanted a world of good. That was their way of showing affection, teasing. It was a relationship of love and hate.
"A provided that you make me study! I do not want to take a four because of your bad music! "
Ethan looked at her hiding a laugh that made her even more nervous. He was serious! He was not joking damn you!
"Come on, turn down the volume, right? However it is not bad music, it's you that you can not understand "
" Of course, as you ... thank you! "In a second was out again ... but this time he had asked for help from Jaden, intelligent brother who has always helped her with homework. Late afternoon also the tasks were completed.


... It was evening out the chirping of crickets was the only noise was heard. Jaden had gone out with his girlfriend, Rosemary had met a year earlier and was love at first sight. He had even taken into the house and she was very nice! Unlike Jeremy, however, passed from one girl to another. Just like Ethan that girls had even more.
At school they all waved to him, that his Latin beauty. Dark skin, hair blacks fired into the air, the physical and athletic and dry two incredible and rare for a blue-eyed boy with dark skin.
God, could not deny that it was beautiful ... too bad it was only the most stupid looking!
Leaning against the ledge of the window could not get to sleep. It was only eleven, but all were in their rooms. Except that Jaden had a curfew to midnight and made merry with the girl yet. But she was 14 and still no kiss! Nothing! No one liked it or that nobody would notice that.


Maybe he should listen and to Candance Lindsay who insisted on putting her contact lenses and give form to that hair is not properly treated.
But in the end ... who cares! He had always been his fantasy to escape. Sooner or later she would have known real love.
In any case, the sleep did not seem to want to get so he decided to go into the living room to watch the movie of love that her sister had seen in the afternoon.
With oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts had fallen members undermines the stairs trying not to make noise. At home it was quiet and could afford to stand alone in the living room without disturbing anyone. He grabbed the pillow that had embraced lying down on the carpet and had pressed play.


As he watched the screen, enraptured by the romantic music, the scenes involving and full of passion ... he could not stop feeling strange. Overwhelmed by a new sensation, a warmth that pervaded his body trembled with desire for discovery. He chewed his lip, imagining that her mouth was covered by the actor ... fantasy had turned into something indescribably exciting. Only instead of the face of the actor to imagine what she had found clear-cut bronze and Ethan ... was moved to belly up and, instinctively, he had left his hand just touched the bare skin of the neck, belly , thighs ... then go back to the abdomen and between her breasts immature listening to the beat of his heart went crazy.
"But ..." he suddenly opened his eyes, swollen cheeks when he heard the voice of Ethan reach her ears. We just needed this! Shutter was pulled down style spring he lowered his eyes unable to deal with it, too much shame.
He had caught in a moment of intimacy, private.


"I'm sorry ... but have you stopped, you know, the door to leave is here and the only way was teat ... uh ... this"
Margaret did not have the strength to answer, merely nodding her head frantically, hoping that it would go away as soon as possible. Shit that embarrassment! But he was still there in his house?!
He heard her footsteps move away, but strangely they were not ... but Winey.
"What are you looking at? No, because if the reaction is that I want to see it too! "
" What are you doing? " His voice came out more strident than he wanted! It was already embarrassing enough had been surprised at such a time, moreover he feared that it read that the protagonist of the fantasy was just him.
Instinctively he reached out to the remote control to turn off the TV while he had done the same for ending the lock to close his hand. A chill had driven the young body ... confused, clouded by the emotions and powerful strangers who seemed to have multiplied as he felt his hand on the heat from the skin of Ethan.


felt his blue eyes on her, they felt ... felt devoured by that look. Find the courage in going to raise her eyes to turn in es'incrociò to Ethan. No sign of derision, no form of mockery as she had expected. He was serious ... he looked carefully, with intensity. So much so that he felt dig soul.
not know what to say ... the only thing I felt was a little voice inside her pleading only saying 'Kiss me, kiss me' , which was ridiculous since he was Ethan!
"You know ... the TV does not make the idea of a good kiss," he said without stopping to look at her and felt she had to die ... what God would have wanted to find out what it was in reality! The
Ethan's fingers were going to rest on his chin up ... the face he had seen his face close, his breath touch her skin ... her lips.


The heart drummed in his chest while the crazy neighborhood was slowly eaten.
"A kiss is so ..." he whispered back to him as she had closed her eyes, unconsciously ready to receive the kiss was about to be born. She closed her hand into a fist, arms at your sides, sitting on the carpet while he remained on his heels. From the closeness felt his masculine scent that intoxicated the mind, the warmth of her body. He stretched his face to try to remove way too close to the left until it had heard nothing to go against his lips as he kissed her forehead had to do with brotherly love.
"Good night baby ..." she heard him get up and leave his feet. He could not believe it! She had stuck her nails in the palm of the hand unable to realize that had become like a stupid fool! Again! He angrily grabbed the pillow and had they started hitting him on the back.
"You're an asshole! Fuck you! "Shortness of breath as she watched him smile and twist out the door. What an asshole! How stupid!


He switched off the TV and had direct lug style to the bathroom, she was angry and humiliated!
He felt ridiculous. He took her around and she was cascading like a fool! But what an idiot! I really thought that Ethan Hunt could kiss her?! A pale girl before, when the court had a swarm of girls ultra chicks and very easy!? It took three pats on the head before you wash your face with ferocity. Looking in the mirror could not help but think that he wanted to taste the kiss ... a kiss Ethan. But there would be no more waterfall! Would no longer made the same mistake!


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